Saturday, April 9, 2011


  • This is one of my favorite drawings, by Ashley. She is cracking a cascaroni on Aimee's head. My mother made us cascaronies when I was a child. I loved hitting my brothers on the head and it was ok to do it! It is a tradition from Mexico. One year, when the girls were teenagers, I didn't make cascaronies. They weren't happy, wanting to hunt and crack the eggs!

  • I have been buying brown and blue eggs from Jenny at work to that I don't have to color the eggs. I made some for our 1 1/2 year old granddaughter, Meryl, this year.

  • When you use an egg, you break it near the top so that you have most of the egg. Rinse it out and let it dry. Color the eggs and let them dry. Fill with confetti and glue tissue paper over the top. Hide the eggs on Easter and let the fun begin!

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